Monday, May 5, 2014


Brand: Rj Nonato

Owner: Rj Nonato
Location: Modesto, CA

School: Current student at the Art Institute of California - San Francisco 

“First off my name is Rj Nonato and a visionary is the closest thing I can think that describes what I provide to people. I’m not like head of a clothing brand or a photography agency or a video director, but I’m all of it. I don’t really want to put any names on what I am or what I do because I don’t want to be marginalized to just a name unless it’s my own if that makes any sense. (People look at brands like Black Scale or Supreme and think clothes, but when people look at like Alexander Wang they know he designs and is Creative Director for Margiela or basically as an all-around icon or character you can say I guess.)”

1.      How did you get your idea or concept for your brand?
“I get my ideas and/or concepts for the things I produce thru everyday life I see what people need like clothes (everyone needs to wear clothes at some point) and try to make it natural, try to make it like an extension of themselves like I might see a seat-belt and of course it’s used to keep your life, the most important thing to you obviously, safe and secure from dangers while traveling, I might take that inspiration and make a crazy backpack out of the same material or ideas as a seat-belt, to keep the most important things to you safe and secure while on the move. I try the hardest I can to make people’s lives easier by making the everyday complicated things some may not understand as simple as possible.”

2.      What concerns do you have about your brand?

“My main concern about what I do is that people may see me do something great in the clothing industry but think oh that’s all he does or that’s what he does best so they’ll only see that part of my vision. Most people would be concerned about how competition is always arising, but I’m not because I have so many outlets I can use to keep myself relevant.”

3.      How can you make your company better?

“Number one thing I can do to make my company better is keep an open mind keep listening to everything around me and learn from the good and the bad.”

4.      What service(s) or product(s) do you offer?

“I offer a way of life, a way of thinking that everything whether it’s good or bad, weird or normal, square or circle matters the same amount (nerd can be just as popular as a jock). I want to show people they can understand that they can open up to an array of completely different people and see a glimpse of their world. I want people to see me long hair tattoos sagging pants and think damn, he does interior designing for elementary schools? Or that’s the guy that designed my wedding dress?”

5.      Who do you sell to and how do you promote your business?

“I serve everybody. I let my work speak for itself. If it moves one person that one person’s vision can move the next and so on and it’s all because I inspired that very first vision. I do try to target higher society, but at a regular society price.”

Would you like to ask Rj Nonato a few questions?
Twitter: @Wavvyxx 
Instagram: @Rjnonato4

 Interview conducted by Rabab Fara

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